Videogame soundtracks Wiki

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Videogame soundtracks Wiki
DAnce Dance Revolution Extreme (JP Version)
Artist/Group Song Other Games
BeForU Graduation
NAOKI 1998
Patrick Victorio (original by Ricky Martin) La Copa de la Vida
Riyu Kosaka LOVE❤️SHINE
Live 2 Love (original by Queen) We Are the Champions (Factory Team Remix) Click Here
Houseboyz (original by Queen) We Will Rock You Click Here
Creamy I Do I Do I Do
NAOKI feat. DDR All Stars Hyper Eurobeat
NAOKI feat. Paula Terry Memories
FIXX Vanity Angel
Mr. Brian & The Final Band Crash!
ROSE Speed Over Beethoven
Wildside Irresistiblement
NAOKI Burnin' the Floor (Momo Mix)
Barbie Young (original by Aqua) Cartoon Heroes (Speedy Mix)
NAOKI Underground feat. EK Tears
RevenG bag
tiger YAMATO Hold On Me
Togo Project feat. Sana Miracle Moon ~L.E.D. Light Style Mix~
ASKA Happy Wedding
Sana Shintani White Lovers
DJ Simon Air
Kelly Cosmo I'm Gonna Get You!
T.E.M.P.O. feat. Mohammed & Emi JANEJANA Dance Maniax, Dance Dance Revolution Extreme (US PlayStation 2)
Annetai maji-SKA Bakudan Three-haired Cat Lock
Kiyommy + Selya Pink Rose
DJ Taka feat. Noria Love Love Sugar
emi Stay (Organic House Version)
Kunitake Miyuki Destiny Lovers
NAOKI faat. Yuki 蒼い衝動 (Blue Impulse) (for EXTREME)
Youhel Shimizu Feeling of Love
NAOKI J-Style feat. Miu Kiss Me All Night Long
good-cool feat. Meg Last Message
Orange Lounge MOBO⭐MOGA Dance Maniax, Dance Dance Revolution Extreme (US PlayStation 2)
Tomosuke Gamelan de Couple
Mexican Folk Song La Bamba
DJ Taka Colors (for EXTREME)
NAOKI feat. Shanti Kiss Kiss Kiss
a.s.a. Magic Door (Theme of Space Maco)
D-Crew Be Lovin
NAOKI Underground L'amour et la Liberté (DDR Mix.)
DJ Taka Frozen Ray (for EXTREME)
Mutsuhiko Izumi Jet World
Des-ROW feat. TSUBOI for ALPHA 大見解 (Daikenkai)
TAKA V (for EXTREME) Dance Dance Revolution Extreme (US PlayStation 2)
Final Offset TwinBee ~Generation X~
Hiro feat. Sweet Little 30's Heaven Is a '57 Metallic Gray (Gimmix) Dance Maniax
DJ Sinon 321 Stars
D.J. Amuro A
TaQ Stoic (EXTREME version)
OutPhase Sync (EXTREME version)
Jimmy Wecki Across the Nightmare
Mr. T Xenon
Hirofumi Sasaki The Least 100sec
RevenG Sakura
NPD3 After the Game of Love
sAmi Think Ya Better D
Scotty D. Drop the Bomb
Crystal Aliens Sexy Planet
Factor-X Wild Rush
DJ Rich feat. TailBros Super Star
tiger YAMATO Luv to Me (Disco Mixo
Chang Ma Love This Feelin'
2MB Healing Vision (Angelic Mix)
200 PARANOiA Evolution
2MB La Senorita Virtual
tiger YAMATO R3
2MB ORION.78 (Civilization Mix)
2MB Trip Machine (Luv Mix)
Divas Baby Baby Gimme Your Love
Uzi-Lay Put Your Faith in Me
NM. feat. Sunny Higher
Thomas Howard Silent Hill
NAOKI Brilliant 2U
N.M.R Keep on Movin'
Mitsu-O with Geila My Summer Love
D-complex Ecstasy
NAOKI Brilliant 2U (Orchestra Groove)
DE-SIRE Healing Vision
DJ Taka & NAOKI Kakumei
Matsu-O! Make It Better
Captain T La Senorita
NAOKI Can't Stop Fallin' in Love (Speed Mix)
NAOKI Dynamite Rave
STM 200 PARANOiA Eternal
RE-VENGE Afronova
DE-SIRE SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix)
DE-SIRE Trip Machine
190' PARANOiA Rebirth
190 PARANOiA MAX (Dirty Mix)
Ω MAX 300
Z MAXX Unlimited
Togo Project feat. Sana More Deep (ver 2.1)
D.J. Spugna Bad Routine
DJ Nagureo Keep on Liftin'
DJ Taka Tomorrow Perfume
Sho-T A Stupid Barber
Shawn the Horny Monster Scorching Moon
Chel Y. Forever Sunshine
Supa Fova feat. Jenny F I Need You
S.F.M.P. Try 2 Luv. U
SDMR Un Deux Trois
DDR All Stars Dance Dance Revolution
DE-SIRE Trip Machine Survivor
270 Paranoia Survivor
290 Paranoia Survivor MAX
ZZ The Legend of MAX
2MB MAX. (Period) Dance Dance Revolution (2014)-present