Videogame soundtracks Wiki

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Videogame soundtracks Wiki

Dirty Vegas are an English house music group initially made up of Ben Harris and Paul Harris (no relation to each other) on instruments and production and Steve Smith on vocals. the group formed in 2001, then broker up in 2005 before reforming in December 2008 to record new material.

Game Song Year
Big Mutha Truckers Ghosts 2002
DDRMAX2 Dance Dance Revolution 7thMix Days Go By 2003
Project Gotham Racing 3 A Million Ways 2005
Dance Central Days Go By 2010
Forza Motorsport 4 Little White Doves 2011
Forza Motorsport 4 Never Enough 2011
Grand Theft Auto V (re-release) Days Go By 2014
Fuser (DLC) Days Go By 2021