Videogame soundtracks Wiki

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Videogame soundtracks Wiki

Lamb of God is an American heavy metal band from Richmond, Virginia. Formed in 1994 as Burn the Priest, the group consists of bassist John Campbell, vocalist Randy Blythe, guitarists Mark Morton and Willie Adler, and drummer Art Cruz. The band is considered a significant member of the "New Wave of American Heavy Metal" movement.

Game Song Year Album
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Black Label 2004 New American Gospel
Backyard Wrestling 2: There Goes the Neighborhood Laid to Rest 2004 Ashes of the Wake
ATV Offroad Fury 4 Redneck 2006 Sacrament
Guitar Hero II Laid to Rest (cover) 2006 Ashes of the Wake
NFL Street 3 Redneck 2006 Sacrament
Guitar Hero III Mobile (DLC) Laid to Rest (cover) 2008 Ashes of the Wake
Saints Row 2 Redneck 2008 Sacrament
Rock Band Unplugged Laid to Rest 2009 Ashes of the Wake
Guitar Hero Smash Hits Laid to Rest 2009 Ashes of the Wake
Splatterhouse Walk with Me in Hell 2010 Sacrament
Guitar Hero Live Ghost Walking 2015 Resolution
Rock Band 4 (DLC) Redneck 2016 Sacrament
Metal: Hellsinger Randy Blythe - Acheron 2022 Exclusive for the game
Rocksmith+ Laid to Rest 2024 Ashes of the Wake