Videogame soundtracks Wiki

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Videogame soundtracks Wiki

MX vs. ATV Untamed is an offroad racing game developed by Rainbow Studios, Tantalus Media, Incinerator Studios and published by THQ for the PlayStation 2 and all seventh-generation platforms, becoming the last MX vs. ATV game to release on the former and the first in the series to be available on most of the latter.


Artist Song Other Games
Authority Zero 12:34
On Edge
Bad Religion Social Suicide Tony Hawk's Project 8
Cage9 Hearts and Stars
Celldweller Shapeshifter Need for Speed: Most Wanted, SCORE International Baja 1000
Disturbed Guarded Tap Tap Reloaded
Kasper from the K Kwad Up
Mower General Admission
Mudvayne Happy? Rock Band 3 (DLC)
MxPx Secret Weapon
My Chemical Romance House of Wolves Project Gotham Racing 4
Nickelback Side of a Bullet
NOFX Dinosaurs Will Die
Operator Soulcrusher Madden NFL 08
Pennywise Disconnect
Primer 55 Loose Click Here
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Face Down Saints Row 2, PopStar Guitar, Rocksmith 2014 (DLC), Rock Band 4 (DLC)
Relient K High of 75
Saosin Collapse Burnout Dominator, Burnout Paradise
Electric Six I Don't Like You Rock Band 2 (DLC)
The Used The Ripper Madden NFL 08
Zebrahead Lobotomy for Dummies FlatOut 2