Videogame soundtracks Wiki

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Videogame soundtracks Wiki

If you're editing for the first time, we (adminstrators, bureaucrats and moderators) insist you to read the guidelines to contribute this wiki.

The content

Videogame Sountracks (shortened as VGOST) works with these contents:

  • Games with songs
  • Artists/Bands
  • Songs
  • Box arts (for games)
  • Images (for artists, bands, some countries...)

By adding pages, information, etc., you are contributing to the page you are editing or creating. We also recommend that you contribute concrete information. So no troll information.

Creating a page

If you want to create a page, you can follow one of these three tips:

  1. Go to "Search" and type the name of page you want to create. Then, click the name and it will open a new window with a blanked page. See the images below.
  2. Create a page clicking in a red link. Remember: there are 2 links: blue and red. The links in blue mean that the page exists on the wiki. Links in red mean that the page doesn't exist or hasn't been created.
  3. You can create a page by typing the URL. (example:

Another detail is that every page must be created using the English language. The same goes for the content of the page (artists, songs...), except if the artist or band is from another country that doesn't speak English.

The structure of a page

Every page you want to create needs to have this structure.

  • Text
  • Infobox
  • Templates (optional)
  • Image
  • Headlines
  • Subheadings
  • Table
  • Additional info (trivia, notes, see also...)
  • Categories

The text

As mentioned previously, the text must be in English. Now if the game, artist, band or song is from another language, you can enter the name normally and complete it with the text in English. If you are not familiar with the English language, we recommend that you use Google Translate to generate the English text that you want to insert on a page.

And don't forget to check your text before finishing editing. There may be writing errors. The use of symbols is permitted, except symbols that are in support of hatred and symbols that are prohibited to this day, as well as the insertion of ASCII art. Otherwise, you will suffer punishment.

The images

The images allowed on this wiki are:

  • Game cover/box art and/or title screen of a game (this last one for digital games, online service or arcade games).
  • Artists
  • Bands
  • Countries (for artist/band page from a particular country; see Countries)

Regarding the format of the images, only JPG, PNG, WEBP will be accepted. We also recommend larger sized images, and you can adjust the image size during editing. Avoid uploading images of a smaller size (width x size) and also image formats not mentioned. Otherwise, it will be deleted. The upload of nonsense images, as well as images containing mutilation, gore, pornographic and other prohibited images, will also not be accepted.

The heading

The heading (or headline) is the text indicating the content or nature of the article below it, typically by providing a form of brief summary of its contents. Also, it's meant for major sections and is usually set off by a horizontal rule across the width of the text area. Too add the heading on a page, there are 2 ways.

Using the visual editing mode

If you are editing or creating a page by visual mode, highlight the text, click the option "Normal text" and select "Heading


Using the open source editing mode

If you are editing or creating a page by open source editing mode, insert the symbol "=" (equals) 2 times following the text or word and finish with the equals, inserting the symbol "=" again 2 times.


The subheading

It's almost same thing than the headings. A subheading is a mini-headline or text that is found under the main headline to give further insight or support for the headline. Headlines are used to entertain, add shock, or hook readers to make them want to know more, but the subheading guides the reader to keep reading or scanning the information.


You can add the subheadings using the open source editing mode. See below.


The table

Tables are mandatory on every page you create or even edit. However, each page will have differences. In other words, game pages will have a table structure, artist/band pages will have a different structure and so on. The table can be inserted in two ways

Visual editing mode

In visual editing mode, just click on "insert" and then click on the "table" option and the table will appear. See below:


Adding a table using visual editing mode


The table will appear after you have followed the image above

Open source editing mode

In open source editing mode, you will type below:


Adding a table using open source editing mode

When tables are created, they will always come with the value fandom-table. This value is not that useful. So, if you use the visual edit, besides you activate the option wikitable, it doesn't appear the value in open source edit. We extremely recommend that you enter the wikitable and sortable values by open source edition and remove the value fandom-table. the latter, only place on pages that contain 4 or more songs from a game, artist, band, etc. You will only see this value in edit mode via open source. And when you add a page, you will see a table generated with 4 rows (horizontal) and 4 columns (vertical), with the first row having the default color (gray).

NOTE: You won't add the value sortable in a table if the page has less than 4 songs.

To add a row to the table, simply click once, then click an arrow > and select the insert above or insert below option. Additionally, you can move the existing line up or down by following the same procedure as above. Now, if you want to delete the line, just click on the desired line, then click on an arrow next to the line you clicked on and select the "delete line" option.

Table for games

The table for games will be this structure

  • Artist
  • Song
  • Other Games
  1. Artist: The first column of the table. You add the artist or band below. If there is a page about an artist or band on this wiki, click the link, type the name of the artist or band and select. Another way to add an artist or band is to press the "[" key (left bracket) twice and a box will automatically open for you to add an artist or band. Now, if you are editing via open source, press the bracket 2 times and type the name of the artist or band, closing with "]" (right bracket) 2 times.
  2. Song: Song is the second column of the table. You put the name of the song performed by artist or band. Remember: there are songs with other languages uses some graphic accents and cedilla. There are also songs written in Japanese (katakana, hiragana and kanji), Korean (hangul), Chinese and Russian. We recommend you put the original title with the romanized title on brackets.
  3. Other Games: The last column of the table of a game. You put the games that song appears, too. You will use the same method as you enter an artist or band link, but this time with the games this song appears in. If you have more than one game, add a comma (",") followed by a space and add another link to the existing wiki page. If there is a remix or cover, add the word "remix in" or "cover in" followed by the name of the game. There are pages especially for songs to save space in the tables. To do this, simply add the name of the song and change the text to "click here".

Let's use the page Dance Central 3 as example. See the image below.


Table for artists and bands

The structure of the table for artists and bands are different than the tables for games. See below.

  • Game
  • Song
  • Year
  • Album
  1. Game: The first column. You'll put the name of the game. Don't forget to add the page link.
  2. Song: The second column. You'll put the name of the song (obvioulsy). If the song has a page on this wiki, you can put the link.
  3. Year: The third column. You'll put the year of the game, not the year of the song. So, pay attention for this detail. If the song is in game but the game was cancelled, insert "N/A". If the song is in game, but you don't know the correct year of the game, insert TBD.
  4. Album: The last column. You'll put the name of the album that the song appears on. We recommend that you only enter one album for this song and which album this song was placed in first. There are songs that appear on more than one album, but we recommend that you put the album on which this song appeared first. If the song does not have an album, enter "N/A". Now, if it was released as a single, just type the word "Single". And there's more: put the name of the albums in italics.
The width

It was determined the pages for artists and bands will follow these widths.

  • Game: width 300
  • Song: width 500
  • Year: width 100
  • Album: width 300

NOTE: use the open source editing mode to add the witdth. See the example below.


Table for songs performed by artist or band

In this wiki, we also have pages related to a song composed by an artist or band. Additionally, the table structure of a song page will follow this pattern.

  • Game: The game that song appears.
  • Year: the year of the game.
  • Version: Some games has different versions of a song. It can be original, live, cover or a remix version.

See the page Butterfly, performed by Smile.DK as example.


NOTE: you can only create a song of a page if the song appears in 6 games or more.

Adding colors for a table

You can add colors to tables. However, only on artist or band pages. Colors on game pages are not allowed, except for pages from the Pump It Up and Dance Dance Revolution franchises.

To insert the desired color into the table, click edit, then change the editing mode to open source. See the example below from the Type O Negative page.


You can see it was inserted the color black for the table and, also, you can see the hex color (#000000), and add the color for the letters: white (#FFFFFF). All color you want to add starts with the symbol "#" with the hex color. These hex color has letters and numbers. And also, you can put:

  1. This: width="xxx" style="background:#ABC123; color:#FFFFFF;"|(game, song, year, album)
  2. Or this: style="background:#ABC123; color:#FFFFFF;" width="xxx"|(game, song, year, album)
Colors for pages of artists or bands

It was determined the colors for each artist and band by music genre. See below.

Genre Hex color
Rock #FF0000
Heavy Metal #000000
Pop #EE0584
Hip Hop #00008B
R&B, Contemporary R&B, Blues, Jazz #3366FF
Electronic Music, Techno, EDM #800080
Reggae #008000
Disco #FF00FF
World Music #00FF00
Psychedelia #FFA500
New Wave #FFD700
Country #A52A2A

NOTE: You can put the letters uppercase (example:#FFFFFF) or lowercase (example:#ffffff).

Additional info (optional)

Some pages has some additional info, like sources, credits, notes, trivia etc. Pages of Artists and bands usually have "see also".


Category is an essential point in any wiki. It helps you organize, navigate, and find related content easily.

When creating or editing a page, it is recommended to place categories, whether on a game, artist, band or music page.

To insert a category on a page, you can follow one of these 2 methods below.

  1. In category module, scroll down to the bottom of the page, click the option "Add category" and type the category you want to insert. Then, press enter/return and click the option "save". For mobile users, You need to activate the PC mode of the browser you are using to be able to add categories via the categories module.
  2. By means of editing, it will depend on which way you edit the page, whether it is visual or open source. In the case of visual editing, click on the icon with three horizontal stripes with a down arrow at the top right side of the page. Then click on category. This opens the category dialogue, allowing you to edit categories, add new ones, and customize how the article should be sorted. Now if you are using open source editing mode, scroll to the end and add the category link to the page.

Adding category using category module


Adding categories using visual editing mode (step 1)


Adding categories using visual editing mode (step 2)


Adding categories using open-source editing mode (see the part highlighted in yellow in the image)

Final Considerations

Follow step by step to create or edit a page. If you create a page, but don't add any information (game, music...) and categories, you will be punished for 1 weeks without being able to edit. And avoid creating multiple accounts as a way to bypass the block. If it persists, the blocking time will change to indefinite for both the previously blocked account and the account that evaded blocking.
