Videogame soundtracks Wiki

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Videogame soundtracks Wiki
WWF No Mercy

All the songs are composed by Jim Johnston (in-house artist), except some songs.

Artist Song Character Other Games
Jim Johnston Know Your Role The Rock
Jim Johnston My Time Triple H and Stephanie McMahon
Jim Johnston I Won't You What You Tell Me "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
WWF Superstars & Slam Jam We're All Together Now The Undertaker, Linda McMahon, Jim Ross, Jerry "The King" Lawyer WWF Raw
Jim Johnston Burned Kane WWF Raw
Jim Johnston Wreck Mankind and Mick Foley
Jim Johnston Break the Walls Down Chris Jericho WWF Raw
Jim Johnston Medal Kurt Angle WWF Raw
Jim Johnston Rabid Chris Benoit WWF Raw
Jim Johnston U Look Fly Today Too Cool (Scotty 2 Hotty and Grandmaster Sexay) and Rikishi
Kent Buchanon Ollie Stalefish Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley)
Zack Tempest Loaded The Hardy Boyz (Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy) and Lita WWF Raw
Jim Johnston You Think You Know Me (On the Edge) Edge and Christian WWF Raw
Jim Johnston Latino Heat Eddie Guerrero WWF Raw
Jim Johnston If You Dare Tazz WWF Raw
Jim Johnston Who I Am Chyna
Jim Johnston Protection (The APA) APA Protection (Bradshaw and Faarooq) WWF Raw
Jim Johnston Radicalz (The Radicalz Theme) Dean Malenko
Jim Johnston feat. The Chris Warren Band Make Some Noise X-Pac and Tori
Jim Johnston Oh You Didn't Know (New Age Outlaws Theme) Road Dogg
Jim Johnston Censorship Right to Censor (Steven Richards, Bull Buchanan, The Goodfather)
Jim Johnston Ass Man Billy Gunn
Jim Johnston The Ho Train Godfather, Ho
Jim Johnston Hello Ladies Val Venis
Jim Johnston Emergency T&A Team (Test and Albert) and Trish Stratus
Nick Cash & Giles Perring Drums in the Night "Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman WWF Raw
Jim Johnston & Benjamin Carson Scurry Al Snow WWF Raw
Musashi Yamato Suite No. 4 Taka Michinoku and Funaki
Zack Tempest Slow Death Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly WWF Raw
Jim Johnston Dangerous River Essa Rios
Jim Johnston Saturnal Perry Saturn WWF Raw
Jim Johnston The Real Deal D-Lo Brown
Jim Johnston Sexual Chocolate Mark Henry
Jim Johnston Cell Block Big Boss Man
Jim Johnston Bulldog The British Bulldog
Jim Johnston Better Than Last Viscera
THQ Sound Original Theme 6 The Kat, Debra, Michael Cole
THQ Sound Original Theme 5 Terri, Ivory, Jacqueline, Mae Young, The Fabulous Moolah
Jim Johnston & Peter Bursuker No Chance in Hell Mr. McMahon and Shane McMahon
THQ Sound Original Theme 1 Earl Hebner
THQ Sound Original Theme 2 Howard Finkel
THQ Sound Original Theme 3 Paul Bearer
Rick Derringer & Bernard Kinney Real American (Hulk Hogan Theme) Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco
Jimmy Hart & JJ Maguire Sexy Boy Shawn Michaels
Oliver Maunick Whole Lotta Groove Cactus Jack
Jim Johnston The Ultimate Ken Shamrock
THQ Sound Original Theme 7 Andre The Giant


  • In this game, some wrestlers and non-wrestlers aren't with their entrance songs, as The Undertaker, Mankind, Andre The Giant, Dean Malenko and others.
  • The song "Real American" was inserted in this game. However, Hulk Hogan doesn't appear in this game, as he was still a member of WCW the year the game was released, and only returned to WWF the following year after the WCW ceased activities.