Zenless Zone Zero, also called and abbreviated as ZZZ, is a free-to-play action role-playling game developed and published by miHoYo. The game was released on Windows, iOS, Android and PlayStation 5 on July 4, 2024
Original Game Soundtrack[]
The entire soundtrack was composed and produced by HOYO-MiX
Song [Romanized] | Other Games |
60% Daily | |
60% Fantasy | |
60% Daily - Leisure | |
60% Fantasy - Serenity | |
60% Daily - Freedom | |
60% Fantasy - Passion | |
Action! | |
Still Action! | |
Vacation! | |
Still Vacation! | |
Yesterday's Prosperity | |
Watch Your Head | |
Limbo | |
Blaze | |
Hollow Neutralization | |
Racing Tides | |
Underground Beats | |
Stage for Rodents | |
虚幻光映 [Phantom Light] | |
Time To Play | |
Surprise Box, for Good or Bad | |
Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Left-Right-Right | |
Machine Hand Ground | |
Turbo | |
Tipsy Muse | |
三z出品 [Produced by 三z (Sān-Z)] | |
Hia | |
Guardians of Order | |
噬魂犬 [Soul Eater] | |
犬出没 [Dog sightings] | |
冠军犬 [Champion Dog] | |
当心尾巴 [Watch out for the tail] | |
拐弯请注意 [Be careful when turning] | |
别打结! [Don't get tangled!] | |
怪奇召唤 [Strange Call] | |
怪奇交易 [Strange Deal] | |
怪奇之旅 [Strange Journey] | |
怪奇之友 [Strange Friends] | |
Golden Sign _m | |
Golden Sign _f | |
Enjoy The Ride | |
Derailed Order - Day | |
Derailed Order - Night | |
Endless Construction Day - Day | |
Endless Construction Day - Night | |
Ballet Labyrinth - Day | |
Ballet Labyrinth - Night | |
Wind of the Wild | |
Dusk in the Wilderness | |
Echo of Anchors | |
Rusty Waves | |
Vr | |
Endless Loop | |
Roger That | |
Meow~ | |
Gears & A Smelting Pot | |
Small But Great | |
Fangs, Claws, and a Smile | |
Victoria Style Service | |
Binary Leading Lady in Blue-Green | |
More Than Happy | |
Embers of a Champion | |
Fateful Resolution | |
Shnnnn~ | |
Flowing Moonshade | |
Chaos Alpha | |
Chaos Beta | |
Chaos Gamma | |
Chaos Delta | |
混沌ε [Chaos ε] | |
Chaos Zeta | |
Soil of Disaster | |
Sword of Corruption | |
Four-Armed Sword | |
Real Bro Hans | |
Young Lady Greta | |
Warrior Friday | |
Metal Chimera | |
Dance of Death | |
Pride and Paranoia | |
Purchasable Loyalty | |
复活的霸主 [The resurrected overlord] | |
危险面 [The dangerous side] | |
献给始主的牲 [A sacrifice for the original master] | |
Doom Bloom | |
The Prophecy | |
The True Prophecy | |
Marcel Maze | |
邦布维修大师 [Master of Bangboo Repair] | |
同行于新艾利都 [Walking in New Eridu] | |
孩子们的交友监督 [Children's Friendship Supervision | |
金牌向你招手 [Gold Medal Waving at You] | |
入门金牌 [Entry Gold Medal] | |
大师金牌 [Master Gold Medal] | |
金牌纪念 [Gold Medal Commemoration] | |
金牌嘉奖 [Gold Medal Award] | |
Summer Prelude | |
Summer Celebration | |
Red! | |
Red!! | |
Red!!! | |
Summer Jam | |
治安官的一天 [Sheriff's Day] | |
上菜 [Serving] | |
「芝托邦」变奏曲 [Variations on "Zituban"] | |
Outer Ring Dinner Etiquette | |
漫行 [Wandering] | |
虚境脱轨 [Virtual Realm Derailment] | |
以太虚境 [Ethereal Virtual Realm] | |
以太虚境+ [Ethereal Virtual Realm+] | |
混沌虚境 [Chaotic Virtual Realm] | |
以太虚境++ [Chaotic Virtual Realm++] | |
以太虚境+++ [Chaotic Virtual Realm+++] | |
当三明治来敲门 [When Sandwich Comes Knocking] | |
嗯呐? [Hmm?] | |
嗯呐呐! [Hmm!] | |
Victory | |
Defeat | |
闲散度日 [Leisurely days] | |
迂回之径 [Devours] | |
不慌 [Don't be anxious] | |
自在一日 [A day of ease] | |
如有闲情 [If you have leisure] | |
松弛感 [Relaxation] | |
天生丽质 [Born beautiful] | |
荒唐童谣 [Ridiculous nursery rhymes] | |
股掌之间 [In the palm of your hand] | |
请您先用茶 [Please use tea first] | |
骸 [Dead Body] | |
乱 [Chaos] | |
迷 [Confusion] | |
极 [Extreme] | |
逆境重生 [Rebirth in adversity] | |
急速激情 [Rapid passion] | |
Choice | |
此刻心绪 [The mood at the moment] | |
红色革履 [Red leather shoes] | |
风滚草与仙人掌 [Tumbleweeds and cacti] | |
如子弹穿过风 [Like a bullet through the wind] | |
无声晚祷 [Silent evening prayer] | |
吧台特调 [Bar Specials] | |
菓 [Fruits] | |
现在正当时 [Now is the time] | |
我方斗志 [Our fighting spirit] | |
胜负已分 [The winner has been decided] | |
不安之种 [The seeds of anxiety] | |
嘿!朋友! [Hey! Friend!] | |
无须他言 [No need for him to say anything] | |
白色网格 [White grid] | |
时光正在回退 [Time is going backwards] | |
Peace | |
!Bug! | |
猜忌 [Suspicion] | |
保持怀疑 [Keep skeptical] | |
褪色铁皮盒 [Faded tin box] | |
岁岁 [Years] | |
黑色变调夹 [Black Capo] | |
黑兔子 [Black Rabbit] | |
破境 [Break through] | |
机油 [Engine oil] | |
敲门 [Knock on the door] | |
溯源 [Trace the source] | |
使命 [Mission] | |
安全出口 [Emergency exit] | |
黑暗深处 [Dark Depths] | |
宿命之路 [Fateful road] | |
躁动狂潮 [Raging frenzy] | |
六缸转速 [Six-cylinder speed] | |
遗忘的角落 [Forgotten corner] | |
燃油饮 [Fuel drink] | |
Wifi无处不在 [Wifi everywhere] | |
邦布帮帮你 [Bomb helps you] | |
回到放学那一年 [Back to the year after school] | |
141杂货店 [141 grocery store] | |
波特山 [Porter Hill] | |
大空洞 [Big hole] | |
不可触碰 [Untouchable] | |
侵袭次世代 [Invasion of the next generation] | |
十万次心跳 [One hundred thousand heartbeats] | |
新装备 [New equipment] | |
足行天下 [Travel the world with your feet] | |
小身材大危机 [Small body, big crisis] | |
邦布知道 [Bomb knows] | |
吾本如斯 [I am like this] | |
瀑汤谷 [Waterfall Valley] | |
Storm Petrel | |
最后一次飞行 [The last flight] | |
远景 [Vision] | |
H.I.A.的未来 [The future of H.I.A.] | |
械尸狂潮 [Zombie craze] | |
快充嗯呢 [Quick charge] | |
生活百货 [Life department store] | |
虚无 [Nothingness] | |
咖啡伴侣 [Coffee mate] | |
Dance of Death Acoustic. | |
Tour de Inferno | |
Cursed Blade Illusion | |
Come Alive Stripped | |
Wonderland Reviere (Normal & Instrumental) | |
Shining (Normal & Instrumental) | |
Original Me (Normal, Intrumental & 1St Take Ver.) |
Other Songs[]
Artist | Song | Other Games |
Zenless Zone Zero | 19% | |
39% | ||
79% | ||
99% | ||
Stock Up | ||
HOYO-MiX | Welcome to New Eridu - Where Humanity Rises Anew! | |
Noise Reduction Test | ||
The Person You Are Calling Is In A Hollow | ||
Where the Miracle Began | ||
Detective Zhu Yuan | ||
Undercover R&B | ||
Overlord Engine | ||
Virtual Revenge | ||
Unknown Area, Signal Disconnected... | ||
A Storm of Falling Stars | ||
It's Showtime! | ||
It's Showtime! - Remix | ||
Thunderbolt Silhouette | ||
When Business Comes Knocking | ||
When Business Comes Knocking - Remix | ||
An Offer you Can't Refuse | ||
An Offer you Can't Refuse - Remix | ||
Wolfishly Charming | ||
Mech Mania | ||
Mech Mania - Remix | ||
Rules for Wanderers Lost | ||
Achievements Completion Rate... 100% | ||
Uniform, Shark Tail, Scissors | ||
Captain Overtime! | ||
Youthful Appearance, Old Soul | ||
Deadly Interrogation | ||
Calydon's Ride | ||
99+ To-Dos | ||
TKO | ||
Everlasting Training | ||
When the Crows Perch | ||
The Path to Becoming a Hero |
Since the launch of the game until now, several songs have been published that are not in the game and have only remained in digital releases such as YouTube and other music platforms
Artist | Song | Release Date | Other Games |
HOYO-MiX & Sān-Z | BITE! | 24/06/2024 | |
HOYO-MiX & Sān-Z | Come Alive (Zenless Zone Zero Opening Theme Song) | 29/06/2024 | |
HOYO-MiX & Sān-Z (ft. Tiësto) | ZENLESS | 02/07/2024 | |
HOYO-MiX & Sān-Z | As the sugar cube floats, fleeting in time | 26/07/2024 | |
HOYO-MiX & Sān-Z | Crimson Pierces the Twilight | 14/08/2024 | |
HOYO-MiX & Sān-Z | pinKing | 26/09/2024 | |
HOYO-MiX & Sān-Z | Burning Desires | 18/10/2024 | |
HOYO-MiX & Sān-Z (ft. Rihona Kato) | 途切れて続く [Rest Awhile] | 08/11/2024 | |
HOYO-MiX & Sān-Z (ft. YMIR) | Fearless | 29/11/2024 | |
HOYO-MiX & Sān-Z (ft. Shion Tsuji) | Daybreak | 18/12/2024 | |
HOYO-MiX & Sān-Z | Picture Book | 19/12/2024 |